Monday, April 19, 2010

Trinco -Battered.....Bruised....Yet Beautiful!

Trinco....One experience that will change the way you see life. It just makes you realize how blessed you are, to live a life of comfort, yet realize how damned you are to miss the wonders of life in this little pearl we live in. Filled with awesome memories, stupid decisions, dangerous consequences and adrenaline pumping thrills, this was by far the best vacation I've had!!!

The first thing to notice in Trinco is the missing generation. There wasnt a single native soul between 18 and 25! All the kids were below 12...rarely a teen walked by. Besides that, a whole generation seemed to have just vanished to thin air....the fear of recruitment to Cadreship drove any survivors away a long time ago. The barren and empty land is the second thing you notice. Miles and miles of nothingness, with the odd tree sticking out every now and then is all that remains.

The abandoned LTTE camp was a memory of its own. The sheer irony of the fact that the camp is now a base camp of the military is what you would call dark humor I suppose, which just proves man's no different than the average wild beast. "I'll fight you any day to own my territory!"

Leading into a stronger sense of Drama is the fact that nothing is what it seems....To think the pic below you is beautiful would be a mistake. It's a place that has seen more violence and blood than you can imagine. Humanity was lost here wen the LTTE close down the damn, cutting off life support for hundreds. Humanity was lost again when both sides ruthlessly massacred each other for 3 days straight. You gotta admit, it makes you wonder what's actually beneath those waters......

Beyond all this, you cannot forget that there still is a lighter side to life and that Trinco, just like any other coast of this tropical majesty would cater to that. Heaven on earth is all that comes to mind with what you see below, because in my opinion, that's what it is! A little piece of Paradise in War mongered Trinco...

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